Monday 29 March 2010

Wilmslow Half Marathon

A great day, perfect weather and a fast course. Finished just under 1:29; my target was sub-1:30 so very happy. The thing they warn you about on this course is not to start out too fast, so guess what I did!!

Despite setting my GPS watch to the exact pace needed for 1:30, I set out way too fast, doing the first 10k in ~ 40 mins . The fast start made me suffer later, the last 2 k were excruciating and I had to really hang on.

Today, I can hardly walk but hopefully a sports massage will sort me out.

Saturday 13 March 2010

Plans for 2010

I've now entered all the races I have planned for 2010. Only a couple of weeks to go 'til the Wilmslow Half Marathon.

Wanaka Half January 16th - DONE!
Wilmslow Half Marathon March 28th