Thursday, 28 May 2009

Open water swimming

Having recently bought my first wet suit, a Zoot Zenith 2.0 from TriCentral, I thought I better start open water swimming. The sessions are on Thursday evenings throughout the summer, at Boundary Water Park, near Knutsford, organized by UberFit events. Quite social; swim a lap, have a chat, swim another lap, and so on!

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Macclesfield Sprint

A pool-based sprint organized by Xtra-mile events. I took a wrong turn on the bike, adding ~3k to the 25k route. A slightly longer than usual run of 7.2 km, but I felt good, finishing strong on the second lap. Great weather and a good race.

Time: 01 hr 38 mins

Swim: 8:58; T1: 0:46

Bike: 56:41; T2: 0:39

Run: 30:57

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Manchester 10k

My second Great Manchester Run. A good day out but a slow race due to so much congestion at the start. It took me 4 mins 24 sec to cover the first 1 km, when I was aiming for a pace of 4 min per k.

Happy with my final time of 41:22 as it was quite a bit faster than 2 years ago (45:41).

The winner? The great man himself, Haile Gerbrselassie in 27:39!

Sunday, 3 May 2009

My first triathlon

The Kendal Sprint Triathlon, organized by the Kudu Bikes Tri Club. A pool swim followed by an out-and-back hilly bike ride and a 5 k run. My swim was pretty slow but I reeled quite a few in on the bike then finished with a decent run, easily beating my goal of 1.5 hours. A fantastic introduction to tri.

Overall: 01:25:26 (28th of out 77)

Swim: 17:22 (63rd)

Bike: 45:08 (23rd)

Run: 23:28 (22nd)